Hello from a very blustery and showery Cork.
Where has the glorious sunshine disappeared to? We got very used to leaving the house without a coat or even a jumper. Now we're back to all seasons in one day typical Irish weather... I don't know how many times this week I've had to dash out to save my washing. Anyway, we will not complain & are very thankful for all those sunny days we've had already & await the return of Summer so we can plan our trips to the seaside again. Until then I have a free printable of our "Summertime Seaside"colouring page for your little peeps to colour in during those downpours. Let's collectively visualise glorious sunny seaside days and it might just happen.
Download the Summer Seaside Colouring Page Here
As always, my son Elliot has to art direct and test out the colouring pages before we share them. The seagull with the stolen ice pop was of course his idea and I love it!! Thanks Elliot ; ) X
Here is his version coloured in.
Don’t forget to tag us on instagram (@lillyandbright) if you use this, it would make our day to see them.
And also check out all our gorgeous Summer Garlands which are on sale this week. A perfect addition to bring bright Summer vibes to your kids room.
Have fun colouring! & remember start visualising sunny seaside days!!
Suzanne x