As we wave bye bye to August and get back to the routines of school & work we are reflecting on our Summer & preparing for our favourite season, Autumn!
Although we didn't get the warm sunny weather we hoped for, we didn't mind too much here at Lilly & Bright. We got to slow down a little & go with the flow, spend time together & see our family more. It was lovely.
Sometimes we feel the need, especially as parents, to have lots of trips, playdates & activities organised for our kids, but free unstructured time is equally important. It gives us the space to let ourselves and the kids potter around the house, have lazy days and to actually get bored. This always leads to creativity & sparks the imagination.
Old toys are rediscovered, camps are built, imaginative play begins, cakes are baked, books are read, art & music are created! This time is so important. The house is messy & screen time is way up (don't get me wrong) but I've learnt to accept it. Summer is their time to decompress so let the kids lead and allow them the time to play freely & pursue what interests them (if possible).
I'm interested in child lead learning and free play. Every child is unique and giving them the freedom to explore and express themselves & their creativity is so important for their development. It allows them to explore & process the environment around them, express their emotions, build confidence & foster creativity. This Summer was the perfect time to let this happen in our house & it was a joy. These are a few of my son's creations once he got over the "I'm bored" phase & let his imagination go free.

a jar of poisonous potion concocted after reading George's Marvellous Medicine by
Roald Dahl

a pop-up frothed milk stand in the kitchen - so cute!